If you were born between 1965 to 1981 you belong to the so-called generation X, and you probably have listened to this amazingly beautiful song Bridge Over Troubled Water by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel. My grandfather loved this song so much that he asked me to play it at his funeral, which was not possible at that time, long story short we had appointments for his funeral in the morning, but the death certificate and his dead body weren't released until that afternoon and we, actually myself, confirmed it for the morning, which didn't happen, I was very close to him and had to deal with a lot of things related to the burry. But I did I sing it to him in my mind. These lines are incredible:
"Sail on silver girl
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way"
Thinking about these beautiful inspiring words it came to my mind these quotes from Florence Shinn, which are also amazing and like a puzzle their meaning, in my opinion, complete the thread of thoughts from the song Bridge Over Troubled Water:
Man's word is his wand filled with magic and power. The man comes into the world financed by God, with all that he desires or requires already on his pathway. This supply is released through faith and the spoken word. Believe all things are possible".
With that I'm leaving today's post with another quote from Florence Shinn:
"Gratitude is the law of increase and complaint is the law of decrease"
To wrap up all these positive words, trust in God your dreams, work hard today on your assigned tasks, pray and have faith your dreams are on the way these attitudes you know already so well, are also called the path of least resistance. Gratitude for all your dreams that you so eagerly dreamed of all the accomplishments you have obtained through prayers and think of them, with the same gratitude of that day, it lift up our spirits to remember we were answered through prayers. There are so many to mention... praising the Lord they were answered when we most needed. :)